Setting up personalised thank you page redirects

A personalised redirect (or conditional thank you page) allows you to show supporters a different thank you page depending on the information submitted in the form before it, or their email opt-in status as stored in Impact Stack.

The thank you page, displayed after your supporter submits a form, is a great chance to ask them to do something else. After all, they're actively engaged and you have their attention. Using personalised thank you pages means you can direct people to the most useful or relevant follow up action.

For example, you could direct people who didn't opt in to join your mailing list to a page offering them another chance to sign up, while directing other users to a donation page, or share page.


You can also use multiple conditions and possible answers at once - for example offering users a choice of different follow up actions, or directing them according to any other data they've provided, such as country, area of interest, etc.


1. Think through your userflow

  • What are the follow up actions you want people to take (sign up, donate, share, take another campaign action...)?
  • Which people do you want to take which actions?
  • What conditions should result in which page/ask?


User flow
I want people who didn't click 'Yes' to the email opt in to have another chance to do so.

I want all other supporters to spread the word and share the campaign via social media/email.

If opt in field is 'No' --> opt in page
If opt in field is 'Yes' --> share page

Landing pages
I need to create:
- a 'Flexible form' page where supporters are thanked for taking action, and which really makes the case for why they should opt in
- a standalone 'Share page' that I can redirect opted-in users to.

2. Set up your pages

Create the pages or follow up actions you want to direct your supporters to, as well as the action you'll be sending out. The content type "Share Page" lets you create multiple pages with a share ask included.


Main action is a petition -

--> If the supporter doesn't opt in and is not known as opted-in in Impact Stack - they are sent to a 'flexible form' page encouraging them to opt in to email contact.

--> If the supporter opts in (or is already subscribed, and you've hidden the opt in field) - they are sent to a share page.

3. Set up the redirect logic

On the thank you step of your action choose the option
"Redirect supporters to a URL after the action"


Click the button for "Add personalized redirect"


A pop up will open where you can name your condition and add a rule with the filter options.

There are two filter options:


"Supporter has opted in" → this applies if the supporter is already subscribed to your newsletter (for example from an earlier action), and Impact Stack knows about it, or if the supporter checked the opt in option on the current form/action.

"Supporter has not opted in" → supporter was not subscribed before the form submission and did not opt in, or if they unsubscribed on this form.

Please be aware, that the option "No" for the newsletter opt in can either have no effect on current subscriptions or trigger an opt out, depending on the settings of the newsletter subscription field.


Submission field

You can filter by any form fields that you've added to the action preceding the thank you page. So if you want to filter by First Name is Mary then you can do that.

If you want to filter not only for "Mary" but also for "Mary-Lou" or "Maryan", make sure to choose the option "contains".
First Name is "Mary" → will apply only for "Mary"
First Name contains "Mary" → will apply for "Mary", "Mary-Lou", "Maryan", "Amary", etc.

Be aware that the filter is case-sensitive and that the filters are cumulative. So, if many filters are selected for the same personalised redirect, only supporters matching all conditions will be redirected to the personalized redirect page.

As a more advanced option, you can use regular expressions, using the "matches" filtering option. For example, if you also want the supporters with First Name is "mary" to be filtered along with the "Mary"s, this could be done using the logic First Name matches ^(Mary|mary)$.

Be careful not to have a space before the ^ at the beginning or after the $ at the end.

There are also ways to only match for the beginning, the end or the content of the field. For more help on this topic, you are welcome to contact our support team.

Note: If your condition is based on the answer of a multiple choice question, you need to add what shows up as "key" when editing the form, not the value your supporter will see.


Add a redirect destination

This is the page the supporters matching the filters should be redirected to. Add a URL if you want to redirect the supporter to a non-Impact Stack page. For Impact Stack pages, begin typing the title of the page you want to be shown or enter its node ID. Then select the action you are looking for. To differentiate between actions with similar titles, the node ID of the page shows up in brackets to cross check.

Save the personalized redirect with the "Done" button!


And now?

Repeat the steps above until you have all conditional redirects set up as needed.



If you are using the webform-prefill module, then the fields on the thank you form will be prefilled with the values entered by the supporter on the starting form, if they have the same form keys. This is useful for e.g. first and last names, or email fields.

However if this behaviour is not desired, as e.g. for email newsletter fields, then you can:

  • update the form key of the second field so that it does not match the form key of the first field. Warning! Updating a form key could break your email marketing integration, or the transmission of the supporter data into the supporter management. In case of doubt and if you feel not confident to play around with form keys, please contact support.
  • enter "webform-prefill-exclude" (without the ") in the "Wrapper CSS classes" of the field that should not be prefilled. Again, please contact us if you need.

4. Test your user flow

...and make sure it's working as intended.

Don't forget to methodologically go through all your actions and have your colleagues try it on a different device and browser as well.

5. Publish and launch

You're all set! Go do some good!

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