Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Events

Here are the events you’ll see in your Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics that are sent out by Impact Stack.


  1. submission: fired on thank you page
    • includes node id, submission id, and action title
  2. optin: fired on thank you page
    • includes node id, submission id, action title, and opt-in status for email, phone, and post


  1. actionBegin (GTM) / begin_action (GA4): fired once after completing the first form step
    • includes node id, form step number, and action title
  2. actionContinue (GTM) / continue_action (GA4): fired once on all consecutive form steps
    • includes node id, form step number, and action title


  1. addToCart (GTM) / add_to_cart (GA4): fired on the form step after choosing 'amount' and 'interval'
    • includes currency, value, donation interval, action title, and node id
  2. checkoutBegin (GTM) / begin_checkout (GA4): fired on the second (or only) form step
    • includes currency, value, donation interval, action title, and node id
  3. checkoutEnd (GTM) / add_shipping_info (GA4): fired on the last form step
    • includes currency, value, donation interval, action title, and node id
  4. purchase: fired on thank you page after a donation form has been submitted
    • includes transaction id, currency, value, donation interval, action title, and node id

Do reach out to if you have more questions about this.

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