Impact Stack
Managing your account
Some basics
Making it look good
- How to set-up your phone and post opt-in fields
- How to set-up your email newsletter opt-in field
- Build your forms
- Add more fields to your form
- Using Action Templates
- How to pre-populate forms
Campaign/action pages
- Embedding an Impact Stack form on another website
- Match to Target
- Email to Target: varying the subject line
- Email to target: ready to use postcode-mapped datasets
- Email to target: campaigning on devolved issues
- Email to target: testing your action using test mode
- Display donation or gift aid amount on your donation form
- Payment gateways and processors
- Set up a donation page
- Configure donation payment methods
- Add suggested amounts to your donation
- Why is no "donation failed" page displayed?
Thank you pages
Sharing and social media
- Setting up the different sharing options
- Adding Share links to your thank you email
- Where can I edit the share email?
- Display share buttons
- Customise your Facebook teasers
- How to set up Twittercards
Emails sent by Impact Stack
Email Integrations
Data, tracking and analytics
- Integrate Impact Stack with your CRM using webhooks
- Payment statuses
- Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Events
- Moving to Google Analytics 4 from Google Analytics 3
- Cookies and consent in Impact Stack
- Importing data into Impact Stack