Payment statuses

Here is a list of the most common payment statuses used in Impact Stack.

  • payment_status_success: The payment was successfully processed. The donation form was submitted and the supporter was redirected to the thank you page.
  • payment_status_failed: Something went wrong during the payment.
  • payment_status_new: The payment step has been reached on the form.
  • payment_status_pending: The payment is being processed by the payment provider.

For Stripe there are a few additional statuses:

  • stripe_payment_status_accepted: Stripe’s client side validation passed and the form was submitted. The supporter was redirected to the thank you page.
  • payment_status_success: Stripe called a webhook to notify our system that the payment was successfully processed.
  • stripe_payment_intent_created: This means that the client-side validation has been triggered for the first time, triggering the creation of an intent.
  • stripe_payment_no_intent: A payment was submitted without intent. This should not happen in the donation workflow, and usually points to spam submissions.
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