Manage your Impact Stack users

To access the user settings, login into your Impact Stack installation, and go to Manage > Advanced Settings > User accounts.

There, you can see a list of all your current users, with their user name, role, when the user was created and how long ago they last logged in.

Default roles in Impact Stack

Nearly all Impact Stack accounts are assigned to one of these two roles: administrator or editor.

  • Administrator - users with this role can use and configure most settings, add and delete content and users.
  • Editor - this role can create new content and edit/delete its own, but not any other content. Some settings are available, but not many.

Technically, there are two other types of users but you will rarely need to use these.

  • Authenticated user - this is just a basic user that can login and logout, not much more.
  • Anonymous - everyone else on the big wide Internet, in particular your supporters. They can view the published content of your website and your public files. They have no permission to edit or add any content. It is possible to allow an anonymous user to upload some files, if you enable this on one of your published forms.

Making changes to the defaults

It is possible to create additional roles, and permissions can be changed for each role. There is also the option to enable additional permissions, that allow to set up a user that is prevented from publishing, editing and/or deleting published nodes, but still be able to edit draft nodes. Please contact More Onion support, if you are interested in amending the roles and their permissions!

 By default, only users with an Administrator role are allowed to add, block or delete Impact Stack users. Let's see how this can be done!

1. Add a new user

  1. On the top of the User accounts page, click on "Add user". 
  2. There, enter a user name, e.g. a first name, and the user email address. This address is where the password resetting links and all other emails related to the user's account will be sent.
  3. Then, choose a good and secure password and enter it in both password fields.
  4. Make sure you keep the user's status as "active".
  5. Select a user role, e.g. administrator or editor.
    Warning: we strongly recommend that you only provide administrator rights to users with  advanced Impact Stack training. If you would like More Onion to provide you with this training, please contact support for more details.
  6. Under the list of user roles, we recommend that you activate the "Notify user of new account" checkbox so that the new user receives an email with log in instructions.
  7. For installations with multi-lingual settings activated, you can then select the preferred language for the user.
  8. You can ignore the Meta tags settings.
  9. Finally, click on the "Create new account" button at the bottom of the page, and you are done.

The picture below shows you the user creation page with some example settings.

2. Edit the user's settings

By clicking on the user's edit field, you can:

  • Reset their password, by entering a new password in both fields of the user profile. This is useful if someone forgets their password! 
  • Change their role
  • Change their language (if multi-language modules are activated)
  • Block them

You can also delete the user from this interface, but note that we strongly advise against this, as depending on the choosen option it will delete the actions created ('owned') by this user as well. Therefore, if you want to remove access from old users of your Impact Stack installation and be on the safe side, we recommend that you block the user instead.

3. Block a user

  1. Under Manage --> Advanced Settings --> User Accounts, select the user(s) you want to block.
  2. Then, select the option 'Block the selected users' in the 'Update options''drop-down list, and hit the 'update' button.
  3. You're done!

Here is an example:


4. Delete a user account

Deleting a user account cannot be undone, and may also delete actions created ('owned') by the user, so in case of doubt, we recommend simply blocking the user.

However, if you are sure that a user should be deleted, then please drop a line to More Onion support! Please explain what should happen with the existing actions and files associated with the user. Options are:

  • Keep the user name on the content, and keep it published
  • Keep the user name on the content, but unpublish it
  • Remove the name from the user's content and attribute it to an Anonymous user
  • Delete the user's content along with their account

Can't do one of the steps described above?

Then you probably don't have the necessary permissions. You can ask a Impact Stack administrator in your organisation to make the changes or contact More Onion support for more information.



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