Add items to your menu

Adding links to Menus

Option 1: adding a menu link when making a new page

  • Go to your Impact Stack Bar
  • Click “New”
  • Choose E-Mail Protest, Petition, Donation, Static Page, Flexible Form, Email to target or any other content type
  • Fill in whatever content you want
  • Scroll to the bottom to “Show advanced settings” → Menu settings → Provide a menu link “on”
  • Menu link title - the name of the link shown in the menu

Description - What the user sees when hovering over the link

Parent Item - your design probably only has one option where the menu will be displayed, but otherwise you can change here the menu you want this item to appear.

Weight - the numbers here define which importance your link has. The lighter the “weight” of the link, the higher it is prioritised in the menus. -50 is the lightest, 50 is the heaviest.

Option 2: Linking an existing page to a menu

Write down the node of the page you want to link to your menu

  • Go to your Impact Stack Bar
  • Click “Manage”
  • Click “Structure & Appearance”
  • Click “Menus”
  • choose your menu, usually the “Footer” and click “list links”

→ You now see all the links of all languages linked to the footer. Make sure yours isn’t there yet. By hovering over the links a small notification will pop up at the lower left of your browser window and you can see which node they link to. Scroll to the top, to the small blue button “+ Add link”

Menu link title - the name of the link shown in the menu

Path - type in the node number that should be linked as “/node/123”

Description - What the user sees when hovering over the link

Enabled - if you want the link to be seen

Show as expanded - you can ignore this :)

Parent link - your design probably only has one option where the menu will be displayed, but otherwise you can change here the menu you want this item to appear.

Weight - the numbers here define which importance your link has. The lighter the “weight” of the link, the higher it is prioritised in the menus. -50 is the lightest, 50 is the heaviest.

Language - make sure you choose the same language as your node. You wouldn’t want a Suomi “About us” linked to your Romanian actions! ;-)

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