Do you want to remind your supporters of the amount they’re giving and how often when they get to the payment stage of your donation form? Or, if you’re in the UK, maybe you want to tell them how much more their donation will be worth if they choose to make a ‘gift aid’ declaration?
You can do both of these things by using tokens in your Impact Stack donation forms. (Not sure what a token is and/or how they're used in Impact Stack? Find out more here.)
Adding the donation amount
To add the donation amount (without the currency sign) to your form, you will need to use the token [submission:values:donation_amount:key] in a markup field.
So for example, you could add a markup field on the final step of your donation form, with the following:
<p> You’re making a donation of £[submission:values:donation_amount:key] - thank you.</p>
And it will appear like this:
(NB: You can also add the donation amount with the currency sign by using the token [submission:values:donation_amount], but this will only add the currency sign if the user selects one of the amounts you’ve provided as prompts. If they add their own using the ‘other amount’ box, it will just show the amount without a currency sign. This is why we recommend adding the currency sign to the markup field content and using the other token instead.)
Please note that in order for the token to work:
- The markup field must be in a form step after the donation amount field (as the value needs to be submitted in order for it to be saved, so it can be displayed).
- The form key for the donation field needs to match the form key in the token. If yours is different to ‘donation_amount’ then change it to the form key you are using for this field instead.
Adding the donation type or interval
You can also add the donation type or interval to a markup field in your donation form.
To add the donation type to your form, you will need to use the token [submission:values:donation_interval] in a markup field.
So for example, you could add a markup field on the final step of your donation form, with the following:
<p> You’re making a [submission:values:donation_interval] donation of £[submission:values:donation_amount:key] - thank you.</p>
and it will appear like this:
Please note that in order for the token to work:
- The markup field must be in a form step after the donation type or interval field (as the value needs to be submitted in order for it to be saved, so it can be displayed).
- The form key for the donation interval field needs to match the form key in the token. If yours is different to ‘donation_interval’ then change it to the form key you are using for this field instead.
Showing how much a donation would be worth including gift aid
In the UK, if a donor makes a ‘gift aid declaration’, you can reclaim the tax they’ve already paid, and make the gift worth an extra 25%. You can add a gift aid declaration to your Impact Stack form, and use a token to show how much more the donation will be worth.
The following token will display the donation amount + 25%: [submission:amount-including-giftaid]
So, above the checkbox for your Gift Aid declaration you could put a markup including:
<p>Tick the box below to increase your donation from £[submission:values:donation_amount:key] to £[submission:amount-including-giftaid] - at no extra cost to you!</p>
and it will appear like this:
Please note that in order for the token to work:
- The markup field must be in a form step after the donation amount field (as the value needs to be submitted in order for it to be saved, so it can be displayed).
- The form key for the donation field needs to match the form key in the token. If yours is different to ‘donation_amount’ then change it to the form key you are using for this field instead.