What are layout variations?
Every standard theme comes with the two-column page layout (Layout A) as a default. You can choose to add additional layout variations (Layouts B-E) at an additional cost.
Layout variations are part of the same theme - using the same colour scheme, logo and typography, but the placement of the elements of the page will differ. You can choose additional layout variations to use for different content types (eg one for donation pages, one for petitions) or use them flexibly to vary the look of different actions.
Because these layout options are highly standardised, we’re able to offer them at a really affordable rate. Reach out to the support team for pricing information.
Demo pages of the layouts
Preview the layouts on one of our demo Impact Stack installations.
- A. Standard two-column layout - Default on all Impact Stack installations.
- B. Big banner image with two-column layout
- C. Fixed background image with two-columns
- D. Big banner image and form inside the image section
- E. Fixed background image with one-column (on desktop)
On mobile, you can choose for the form to be either at the top of the page or at the bottom.
Selecting a layout for your action
In the "Content" step of action creation, click on "Show Advanced settings" and navigate to "Theme & Layout".
Toggle on "Custom theme and layout". Now you can choose which layout you'd like to use for your action. By default, only layout A will be available in the list, unless you've purchased some of the additional layout variations.
If you select layouts B-E, a new field "Large Image" will appear where you can upload your banner or background image. See the Images in Impact Stack Help Centre article for more information.
Display headline
On layouts B-E you can add an optional display headline, which is a large pullout text that's overlayed on the banner or background image. It's best used for your main campaign slogan or a short call to action and can quickly grab your supporters attention.
If your Impact Stack doesn't have this feature yet, please contact the support team to get it added to your installation.