Your Impact Stack theme will restrict how much the style of the content can be changed in order to keep the styling coherent and clean, and make your pages look great.
There are still quite a few styling options available in the top bar of the WYSIWYG editor on the content step though, and most will probably be quite familiar. Here are a few tips though:
Copy-Paste from Words or Google Docs
Avoid copy/pasting text from anywhere into a Impact Stack text field, as this will bring the text styles too and override your carefully chosen theme fonts! If you're copying text from Word or a similar word processor, first copy and paste it into a service like HTML Cleaner. Then copy it again from there to the Source of your text field in Impact Stack. This way, you can be sure that no additional unwanted styling messes up your Impact Stack actions.
This GIF below shows that when you paste text in from Word into Impact Stack directly, the text will not have your brand fonts and colours. But when you paste from Word into HTML Cleaner and then paste the clean HTML into the Source editor of Impact Stack, all your work to structure your copy with bolded words etc is retained and it keeps your brand's fonts and colours.
There is a pre-defined hierarchy of headings and paragraphs in Impact Stack. The titles of all pages are automatically set as Heading 1. This are the biggest and largest possible texts in Impact Stack. This means that in the page content, you can use all remaining Headings, for example Heading 2, Heading 3, or Heading 4. Heading 2 is more important and bigger than Heading 3, which is bigger than Heading 4.
The heading styles can be selected from the "Format" select-list, right next to the Table symbol.
Do not use the "bold" option to fake a heading. The hierarchy of paragraphs is not only for the visual effect but also important for screen readers and search engines. Also, avoid using a heading just for its styling, as this could ruin the hierarchy of the page. If you need additional styles for your content, or need help creating a custom text styling, please make sure to contact our support team.
When adding Images and Videos to a text field, use the Media button of the text field top bar. It looks like a tiny picture and is located on the very right of the bar.
Do not just copy links or code from websites like Youtube into a text field. It might seems like it works fine, but this will prevent Impact Stack to be aware of this picture. This means that the images or videos added this way cannot be made available to your media browser, should you want to add them on another page. Secondly, videos and images added this way are not responsive to the screen size, which may mean your page will display badly on a mobile device.
If you know HTML and know what you are doing, you can view and edit the text styles directly in the source code of the text, using the "source" button. This button enables you to look at the text in HTML, and so, add additional mark-up and further customise your content.
Need further help?
Our support team can also help you with HTML and styling questions :)