Setting up the different sharing options

Sharing on Thank you pages

From July 2018 on, Impact Stack offers 6 share options.

You can decide which share options you'd like to have activated on your thank you page, as follows:

  1. Go to the thank you page editing step of your action. The URL should be something like, with 123 the node ID of the action.
  2. Scroll down to Share block and click on it to open the configuration options.
  3. Title of the share-box: Edit the title of the share box, which will be visible to the supporters.
  4. URL to be shared: unless you specify a URL you'd like to share, the URL to be shared will be the one the supporter came from just before the page with the share block (usually the action currently being edited).
    More exactly, the default shared node is specified as parameter in the URL of the thank you page after the action has been taken, e.g. for the node 13.
    For an URL outside of Impact Stack, use the format (mind the https:// at the beginning). For Impact Stack internal URLs, start with the relative part of the URL, the one after the
  5. Open the Advanced share options to select the share canals of your choice and edit their individual settings.


Let's detail the individual share options:

  1. Share via the browser email form
    This option is triggered by the checkbox Show E-Mail share button (see picture above). This option triggers a button that will open a form for the supporter to share the action with up to 10 contacts. This share form can be edited in the settings of the action being shared, and is accessed via the option "Email share" from the action page (see picture below). The URL is of the type with 123 the node ID of the action.

  2. Share via email client (this option overrides the browser email form option)
    This option is available by activating the Use mail:to link for email sharing via the users' email client checkbox. By default, the email will got the node title as subject (via the token [node:title]). The [share:url] token present by default in the email body will be replaced by the URL to be shared as indicated previously (with additional URL parameters for tracking). Alternatively, you can overwrite the token, but do not forget to add the URL you want to be shared!


  3. Share via Facebook
    To enable the Facebook share option, activate the Show Facebook share button checkbox. If a Impact Stack URL is shared, then the settings for the Facebook teaser must be configured on the Content step of the shared action.
    Step by step this means:
    • access the action editing wizard
    • Scroll down to Open Graph meta tags (e.g. for Facebook sharing)
    • By default, the action title and the action summary will be used for the title and description of the Facebook teaser, but you can also choose to overwrite the default tokens and add different text in these fields.
    • In the section Thumbnail image, we recommend you to Upload an image optimized for both Facebook and the Twitter cards (if both options are activated).
    • Save your changes!
    For more details on how to set up and test the Facebook teaser, see this article.

  4. Share via Twitter
    If you want to use the Twitter share button, activate the Show Twitter share button chebkox!
    We recommend to get the so-called Twittercards enabled (ask support in case of doubt!), for the shared Tweet to also display images. The image used by Twitter will be the same as for the Facebook teaser and must be configured in the Open Graph meta tags settings (see Share via Facebook).
    Also, type in the tweet text (without the shared URL nor the [share:url] token) in the field Tweet text for Twitter. You can use hashtags, and all other elements of a usual tweet! The shared URL will automatically get enhanced of some tracking parameters and then added at the end of the tweet.

  5. Share via the WhatsApp app
    Activate the Show WhatsApp share button checkbox to enable the supporter to share an action via the WhatsApp app. This option will be available on mobile devices only!
    Edit the text to be shared in the WhatsApp text for WhatsApp field. The [share:url] token present by default in the email body will be replaced by the URL to be shared as indicated previously (with additional URL parameters for tracking). This makes it easier to integrate the URL to the text to be shared. Note that when using the [share:url] token,  the URL will be displayed in its full length. To display a shorter URL, you can overwrite the token with the URL of your choice, using e.g. a redirect or a URL shortening service of your choice.
    Note that it is not possible to share actions via the WhatsApp web interface for Impact Stack at the moment.

  6. Share via Facebook Messenger app
    Activate the Show Facebook Messenger share button checkbox to enable the supporter to share an action via the Facebook Messenger app. This option will be available on mobile devices only, and cannot be used to share the action via the Facebook web interface.

Sharing in the Thank you email

You can add any of the sharing options in your thank you email too, as long as you have the HTML snippet for it. More information can be found here: Adding Share links to your thank you email

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