What is a block? When would I need to use them?
Blocks can be used to embed a part of a Impact Stack page of your choice into another Impact Stack page. This could be for example a webform, a progress bar or collection of pictures. In opposition to widgets, or iframes in general, the blocks can only be used within your Impact Stack installation. But within this limitation, they offer much more flexibility than the widgets, thus blocks are the recommended option to embed Impact Stack elements within Impact Stack.
Create a webform block
The steps below can be used to embed the exact same webform of an action into another page, for example a thank you page or a static page.
- First create a form on an action of your choice and save it. The action must be published.
- Look at your action form as logged-in user and click on edit. The URL should be likehttps://your.impactstack.org/node/123/wizard with your Impact Stack subdomain and the right node id of your action. Replace
from the URL bywebform/configure
and enter to access the webform settings. The URL should be like https://your.impactstack.org/node/123/webform/configure. There, open theAdvanced settings
and activate the Available as block option. Save your settings. - Then go to Manage --> Structure & Appearance --> Blocks, and find your webform in the list, probably at the bottom. Click on
to enter the settings for this block. - There, you can enter a title for the block. Beware that this title will be used a label for the block, and will be visible for your supporters. If you don't want any title to be displayed to your supporters, you can simply enter <none> in the title field.
- Under the region settings, choose where the block should be display for each of the theme. For themes that more onion developed, I would recommend you to use the
sidebar second
region of your default theme. Should you not be sure where to place your block, you can skip this step. After having completed all steps below, have a look at the video below to change the display settings of your newly created block for each theme where it might be relevant. - Under the visibility settings (at the bottom of the block settings), you can choose on which nodes the block should be displayed and for which user roles. Examples of on which pages the block should be displayed are:
Allpages except those listed
,Only the listed pages
. You can also restrict the block visibility to certain content types only, for example donations, or thank you pages. Finally, you can also setup for which user roles the block should be visible. By default, we would recommend to make the block visible to all users (i.e. do not select any specific roles). - Click on the
Save block
button to save the webform block settings. - Submissions made on this webform embedded into another page than its original one will be visible on the webform results page of the original action. I.e. independently from where the form was successfully submitted, all results will be found under the same URL.
Create a new block
To create a new block from scratch, you have to access the Manage --> Structure & Appearance --> Blocks settings. There, you can find a list with all your current blocks for your default theme. While clicking on the configure
button on the right of each block, you can see the settings of each block. You can also switch to another theme by navigating between the theme tabs at the top of the page.
To create a new block, click on theAdd block
at the top of the page, in the tab of the theme of your choice. There you can add a title to your block (which will be used as label for the block), an internal block description and a block content. Finally, the region and visibility settings can be chosen as in the steps 4 and 5 above. Do not forget to save your newly created block by clicking on the Save block
button on the top right of the page.
How to place blocks
How to place blocks in Impact Stack (formerly called Campaignion) from Impact Stack on Vimeo.