Warning messages for people who choose 'no' on an opt in

Are you using radio fields to manage your email opt-ins?

If so, this article shows you how to add a warning message to people choosing 'no' to explain the implications and make your case for them to change their mind. 

Whether for you 'No' means 'don't change my preferences' or 'Unsubscribe me', this message can be of use. Though of course the language in the message will need to be changed to reflect what the choice really means.


Here's how you make it happen. 

1. Add the text to your form

  • First drag in a markup field to your form and place it just below the opt-in field
  • Name the field something like 'no optin markup'. The user won't see the name of this markup field, it's just for you
  • Populate this markup field with your warning message, you can use html to style the text if you like. Here's how you can make it red for example:

<p style="color:#ff0000">Are you sure you don't want to join our list?</p>


2. Only show the field for users choosing 'No'

Next up you need to make sure this field is only displayed for the right people. The easiest way to do this is to hide the field for all users for whom the email subscription field is not 'No'. 

  • Save your form, then navigate to the conditional fields page of it, this can be found at: www.YourCampaignionURL.com/node/123/webform/conditionals (you need to change the bits in red)
  • Set the conditionals up as follows, in the example below 'Newsletter subscription' is the email opt in field and 'No opt in markup' is the title of the markup field containing the warning text that you want to show when the user chooses 'No'. The options shown to you here will reflect how you have configured your opt-in radio field.
    • If you have set it up so that no = unsubscribe, then it will look like this:
    • If you have set it up so that no does not unsubscribe the user, then it will look like this: 

3. Test your page

Finally test your page by toggling the radio button and making sure the message appears and disappears as expected. 

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